Information disclosure
- Name, information on location, bank’s state registration (registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, date of decision on state registration thereof), licensed authorities for banking activities (number and date of license for banking activities specified therein), information on suspension, renewal or withdrawal of the license for banking activities by the National Bank including individual banking operations, full wording of the Bank’s Charter, size of the authorised fund, working hours and Bank’s telephone number for information;
- Information on carried out banking operations or other services including conditions of transaction conclusion and execution, remuneration (payment) amount for execution thereof, procedure of settlements and other information;
- Information on the Bank’s organisational structure by regions (regions and city of Minsk): name, location, working hours and telephone numbers for information of branches and representative offices as well as structural subdivisions and remote work places created by the bank, its branch;
- Composition (chairman, independent directors, other members) of the Bank’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board): surname, given name, patronymic (if any), primary place of employment, qualification and professional experience, membership (management) in committees created by the Bank’s Board of Directors.
- Composition (members) of the Bank’s Executive Body: surname, given name, patronymic (if any), current position, qualification and professional experience, authorities (supervised matters), procedure (schedule) of visitors’ reception;
- Values of parameters characterising the Bank’s achievement of the following safe operation ratios established by the National Bank: minimum amount of the authorised fund as of the 1st day of the month; capital adequacy ratios as of the 1st day of the month; liquidity ratios (minimum and maximum values of parameters over the previous month); total major risks ratios, total risks for insiders and related persons; ratio of raised funds of individual persons to the bank’s assets with limited risk – for banks which, according to the license on banking activities, enjoy the right to carry out banking operations related to raising funds of individual persons not being individual entrepreneurs onto deposits, opening and servicing bank accounts of such individual persons as of the 1st day of the month. This information is presented as summary tabulation in which, along with the values of the parameters characterising the Bank’s achievement of the safe operation ratios, size of these established by the National Bank is given.
- Amount of actually created and required special reserves for coverage of potential losses from assets and operations not disclosed in the balance sheet as of the 1st day of the month.
- Information on the Bank’s assets structure: shareholders and other beneficiaries of the Bank owning five and more percent of the Bank’s shares: name and country of location (for an organisation), surname, given name, patronymic (if any) and country of residence (for a legal entity). Information on the Bank’s shareholders and other beneficiaries is presented by form according to Annex 5 to the Instructions on state registration of banks and non-banking financing organisations and licensing banking activities approved by Resolution of the Management of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 640 dd. December 7, 2012.
- Full annual reporting and statements of the Bank’s activities prepared according to the National Organisation for Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards and statements of the Bank’s activities prepared according to the National Organisation for Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards, except for information containing the Bank’s commercial or other secrecy protected by law as well as auditor’s opinion confirming reliability of the annual reporting.
- Full annual reporting of the Bank prepared according to the IFRS along with the auditor’s opinion confirming its reliability.
- Business plan (strategic plan of development) of the Bank and report on its implementation as of January 1 of the year coming after the reporting year, to the extent assuring confidentiality of information containing the Bank’s commercial or other secrecy protected by law – as a presentation or other representative style.
Ekaterina Karpievich, Head of Loan Assessment Division was appointed as an official responsible for risk management in the Bank by the order of the Chairman of the Bank’s Executive Board №145 dated 01.08.2017.
On 1 August 2016, the Order from 23.06.2016 №162 “On appointment of Rybalka Vitaly Pavlovich, the chief economist of Risk Division, as an official responsible for risk management in the Bank” has been no longer valid.
On 23 June 2016, the Order from 17.02.2016 №20 “ On appointment of Karpov Andrey Leonidovich, Head of Risk Division, as an official responsible for risk management in the Bank” has been no longer valid.
On 17 February 2016, the Order from 18.11.2013 №322 “ On appointment of Gonchar Alexandr Konstantinovich, Head of Risk Division, as an official responsible for risk management in the Bank” has been no longer valid.
On 18 November 2013, the Order from 21.01.2013 №35 “ On appointment of Azarevich E.S., Head of Risk Division, as an official responsible for risk management in the Bank” has been no longer valid.
Executive director Nesterova Galina Cheslavovna was appointed as an official responsible for internal control in the Bank by the decision of the Bank’s Supervisory Board №19 dated 03.12.2014.
- Description of the risk management system and internal control system to the extent assuring confidentiality of information containing the Bank’s commercial or other secrecy protected by law.
- Principles and standards of professional ethics;
- The bank’s policy related to information disclosure established by the Bank’s local legal acts.
- Description of the policy on exclusion of conflict of interests and conditions of occurrence thereof;
- Press releases, messagescontaining essential information on changes in the Bank’s activities, organisational structure, ownership and status.
- Other information subject to placing on the Internet site according to the law and/or the Bank’s local legal acts.